Time Zone Clocks - HD Configurable Display Logos
Below are stock Logos/Seals for theHDTZ Clocks. When ordering, please let BRG know the logo(s) that you would like to use. If you would like to supply a different image for us to place on your time zone, you can send a high res .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG or .GIF to sales@brgproducts.com with your order.
IF you are purchasing this clock on GSA Advantage, place your logo selection in the "PO Notes" on the checkout page.
Air Force Special Operations Command |
Air Force 1 |
Air Force 2 |
Air Force 3 |
Air Force 4 |
Army National Guard |
Army 1 |
Army 2 |
Army 3 |
Army Corp of Engineers |
Blue Angels |
Coast Guard 1 |
Coast Guard 2 |
Coast Guard 3 |
Customs & Border Protection |
Defense Health Agency |
Defense Intelligence Agency |
Department of Defense |
Department of Education |
Department of Energy |
Department of Health and Human Services |
Department of Homeland Security |
Department of Justice |
Department of Labor |
Department of State |
Department of Veterans Affairs |
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
FBI 1 |
FBI 2 |
Federal Communications Commission |
Great Seal of the United States of American |
International Development Agency |
Internal Revenue Service |
Marine Corp |
National Geospacial Intelligence Agency |
National Reconnaissance Office |
National Security Agency |
Navy 1 |
Navy 2 |
Navy 3 |
Navy Seals |
Pentagon |
Seal of the President of the United States |
Social Security Administration |
Space Force |
The White House |
Send BRG your logo |
Contact our helpful sales associates at 866-252-2704 or 316-530-8854